Pillow Talk – Primary Results
Vote on May 4th in the municipal elections. Vote on November 5th in the general election. And vote in any and all run-off elections. Voting is your duty and your… Continue reading
Redbook Blues – Safe Zone
Have you ever considered how peculiar the apartment industry is? We work in a unique business. We arrive at our workplace when the majority of our customers leave, and we… Continue reading
NAA Credentials at FWAA start in March!
Get Your Teams Signed Up Today! The hugely popular NAAEI Credential programs that offer a range of education opportunities ranging from property management to advanced maintenance to supplier education, kick… Continue reading
Primary Voting is Today—Go Vote!
FWAA Endorses Candidates for the Primary Election! Vote in the March 5 primary election. Vote again on May 4 in the municipal elections. Vote on November 5 in the general… Continue reading
President’s Letter: Feb 2024
Love is in the Air Wow! The Lone Star Awards was another amazing event! Thank you all for showing up with great numbers. The event sold out, and we had… Continue reading
The Future of FWAA Starts with Bryan Downer
Introducing the very first President of the Fort Worth Apartment Association, Bryan Downer, CEO at Community Enrichment Center. Bryan started his tenure as a volunteer at AATC beginning in 2018… Continue reading
Redbook Blues: Accommodation and Modification
Federal law prohibits housing providers from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, or disability. Pop quiz: Of the seven protected classes above, which one do… Continue reading
Lone Star Awards Was a Hit!
Congratulations Are In Order! FWAA is happy to report that the 25th installment of the Lone Star Awards, presented by Stowe’s Services, was a great success! Since 2000, FWAA has… Continue reading
Membership Update: Jan 2024
Why keeping your member compass updated is important! When was the last time your member compass was updated? When our association doesn’t know who is working for the company, we… Continue reading
Industry Market Update: Feb 2024
A Retrospective on a Challenging 2023 Another year is in the books, and what a year it was for the multifamily industry. Nationally, apartment demand rebounded considerably from the basement… Continue reading