A wise man once said, “Change is the only constant.”
As our organization grows, we implement changes to run our business more efficiently and with stronger accountability. This year, AATC requested some of our members to help us review and update our Bylaws. Per our current Bylaws, all changes require posting to all our members for a 30-day comment period before our Board can grant final approval on all changes.
Please click the link below to view our proposed 2024 Bylaws and provide any feedback. You will see that there are highlighted sections of the Bylaws. The highlights signify where changes were made. We want to give a special thanks to John Gillespie with WAK Management, who led the team, along with the following participants: Brenda Carpenter with MFI, Cayce Coon with Madera Residential, Bryan Downer with Community Enrichment Center, James Giddens with Sherwin Williams, Taryn Lewis with BH Management and Nicole Zaitoon with Allied Property Management.
Review the bylaws changes below and if you’d like use the other link to leave comments. This is optional and a response is not required.